Tuesday 28 May 2024

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout - New Loop Route

General Information

Grading:  easy
Distance:   7 kilometers
Total climb:   150 meters
Time taken:   1 hour 15 minutes
Maps:   Umburra 8627-1S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   17 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 81450 99525
Destination map grid reference:   55H FA 79896 98445
End point:  Same as start

Previous Similar Walks

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: 23 November 2021, 22 May 2024



This walk combines the old Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout track and a new section of track roughly east of the original track. The walk starts at the Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout trackhead which is accessed from The Link on McClymont Way Strathnairn.

At the beginning of the actual walking track I took the right hand fork which also leads to the Woodland/Nguurung Bila Loop. Where the track comes to an intersection with a small bridge on the right I went straight ahead (not over the bridge!), following the orange arrows. This led me to the Burin Lookout with its views towards the mountains.

Coming soon after to an intersection I turned right and followed an old vehicular trail for a while before a new section of walking track to the left. This led me through a more forested area of the walk with some deep, steep sided gullies.

Eventually the trail came to the old Walaroo Spur lookout, and from there to the original track. I continued on to Shepherds Lookout with its wonderful view up the Murrumbidgee (I particularly liked the sun glistening off the water).

I walked back via the original track.

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