Thursday 10 October 2024

Yass District: Bango Nature Reserve

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:    9.9 kilometers
Total climb:    416 meters
Time taken:   3 hours 10 minutes
Maps:   Tangmangaroo 8628-1S 1:25 000 and Yass 8728-2N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   73 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FB 80613 54409
Destination map grid reference:  None
End point:  Same as start



The Bango Nature Reserve is about a 12 minutes drive north of Yass. It is accessible to the public only via a 250 meter frontage along Blakney Creek Road South. When travelling north from Yass look for a gate and a NSW National Parks sign on the right - this should be about 13 kilometers from the intersection of Laidlaw and Orion Streets in Yass. There is a small area suitable for roadside parking just near the gate. Unfortunately the gate is locked and there is no way to enter the reserve without climbing over either the gate or the fence.

Our plan was to explore the Nature Reserve by doing a loop around it. We first headed for a peak (55H FB 81576 54242) pretty much due east of our starting point. This was quite an easy climb, with the only obstacle being a fence a few hundred metres in, but there is an unlocked gate that can be used to get through. From this first peak we followed the ridge to Hawkins Trig (55H FB 81824 53582), which dates from 1887.

We paused for morning tea atop the trig before continuing along the ridge and making our way to the eastern border of the Reserve. We passed by a few grass trees at one point along the way:

We hit the eastern border at around map reference 55H FB 82704 52537. This gave us some great 180 degree views over the adjacent pastoral lands and a nearby wind farm (which we had earlier caught glimpses of through the trees).

We followed the fenceline for a while to see what other views presented themselves. At one point we could get a view taking in the nearby Mundoonen Nature Reserve (including Mt Mundoonen) and the distant Brindabella Range. Mt Tennent was clearly discernible about 90 kilometers away.

We then left the fenceline and descended a very steep slope down to the southern border of the Reserve before turning back to try and find the old farm track that cuts through the Reserve from the Bango property. We found this track relatively easily, but it was faint and difficult to follow. We passed through some very nice gullies on the western side of the Reserve.

Eventually we found the western fenceline which we followed back to our starting point.

While technically this walk was bush bashing, it was extremely easy walking through light forest and short grass. Although the Reserve is relatively small (441 hectares) it can easily provide three or four hours of excellent walking. There are no clear views from the highest peaks, but there are views all along those parts of the border fenceline that we walked along.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Uriarra: Two Sticks Hill, Sherwood Daffodils and Dowling Trig

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:   10.9 kilometers
Total climb:   544 meters
Time taken:   4 hours
Maps:   Cotter Dam 8627-2N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   32 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 74137 95543
Destination map grid reference:     Two Sticks Hill    55H FA 71374 95813  
                                                        Sherwood Daffodils   55H FA 72104 95061
                                                        Dowling Trig   55H FA 73523 95090
End point:  Same as start




As usual, this walk started at the small parking area off Mountain Creek Road. We followed the track up to the top of the ridge, and just past the fence we headed off to the minor track on the right, travelling north at first and then turning west. Where the track turned south again we continued west, following a  trail through some nice native forest.

Eventually we came to the road on the east side of Two Sticks Hill, and turning right we followed the road up to the ridge. This was very steep and required a few short rest stops. The pictures don't do justice to the steepness of this trail.

At the top of the ridge we followed a clear walking trail, past the NSW/ACT border marker to the summit of Two Sticks Hill. From the summit the walking trail continues to the south, but eventually turns 180 degrees back to the north east. This caused us some confusion, and we debated continuing south through the steep and thick bush before deciding to follow the trail and see where it took us. As luck would have it, the trail actually goes back to the same road we used to climb up the hill at map reference 55H FA 71665 95625. We followed the track south to the Sherwood daffodils.

After a break among the daffodils we cut across the creek and followed an animal track to link up with the initially steep trail to Dowling Trig. Some nice views from this trail.

From the summit we went bush down the northern side of the hill. This was reasonably steep, but easy walking. Getting back to Sherwood Road by this route, we walked back to the starting point.

Saturday 24 August 2024

North Cotter Reserve and Mount McDonald

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:   9.5 kilometers
Total climb:   386 meters
Time taken:   2 hours 30 minutes
Maps:   Cotter Dam 8627-2N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   26 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 77061 90367
Destination map grid reference:  Mt. McDonald 55H FA 76550 91170
End point:  Same as start



This walk was similar to the one I completed on 19 October 2022, but it did not include the Stony Creek section.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Hume and Hovell Walking Track: Mt Wee Jasper

General Information

Grading:  hard 
Distance:  15.6 kilometers 
Total climb:  1008 meters 
Time taken:  5 hours
Map:  Couragago 8627-4S, 1:25 000 
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:  88 kilometers 
Start point map grid reference:  55H FB 52524 10232
Destination map grid reference:  55H FB 48996 07860
End point:  same as start

Previous Similar Walks

26 February 2015





We started this walk from the Fitzpatrick Trackhead, off Wee Jasper Road about 4 kilometers south of Wee Jasper. The walk can be shortened by about 2.6 kilometers by starting at a point about 2.2 kilometers further along Wee Jasper Road from Fitzpatrick Trackhead (map reference 55H FB 51293 11000).

The track up to Mt Wee Jasper is pretty much a relentless uphill climb, but the track is in great condition and is well-marked all the way. The first section parallels Wee Jasper Road for about 1.3 kilometers before turning south through farm paddocks to the Wee Jasper State Forest.

Once in the State Forest the track meanders through numerous gullies and up spurs to the summit of the mountain. We found a bit of residual snow above 1000 meters before we reached the summit, which is 1122 meters.

Not much of a view from the summit, but back down the track a bit there are some views of the western side of the Brindabellas.

We went back down the track the way we'd come until we found a sunny spot for lunch with views to the north.

We then returned to the starting point.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: Uriarra Crossing, Shepherds Lookout and the Swing Bridges

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:   19.1 kilometers
Total climb:   565 meters
Time taken:   3 hours 30 minutes (walking very fast)
Maps:   Umburra 8627-1S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   17 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 81450 99525
Destination map grid reference:   None
End point:  Same as start

Previous Similar Walks

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: 23 November 2021, 22 May 2024, 28 May 2024
Uriarra Crossing:
11 October 2014, 9 August 2015, 18 June 2020



After a few weeks of very ordinary weather I took advantage of a perfect Winter's Sunday to hike all of the walking tracks from The Link at Strathnairn: the Uriarra Loop, the Shepherd's Lookout loop and the Woodland/Nguurung Bila loop.

Starting at The Link in McClymont Way Strathnairn I walked the (relatively) old track towards Shepherds Lookout, but deviated to the Uriarra Loop and then back up to Shepherds Lookout itself. Leaving the Lookout I made my way to Wallaroo Spur and followed the new track back to where the Woodland/Nguurung Bila track (pink and blue arrows) starts. I followed the Woodland track (pink arrows) first and then returned via the Nguurung Bila track. Nice views towards Pig Hill...

...and back up at Shepherds Lookout.

Monday 10 June 2024

Canberrra Nature Park: Barrer Hill from Coombs

General Information

Grading:  very easy
Distance:   6.5 kilometers
Total climb:   147 meters
Time taken:   1 hour 30 minutes
Maps:   Canberra 8727-3N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   12.7 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 86356 89591
Destination map grid reference:55H FA 86253 90981
End point:  same as start




We started this walk on Harold White Avenue across from Bedbrook Street in the suburb of Coombs. We walked west along Harold White Avenue  and then down to the Molonglo River, which we crossed via a causeway at map reference 55H FA 86093 89684. We then followed the trrail along the other side of the river until we came to the Life Support Sculpture (map reference 55H FA 85442 90855) and took in the river views from there. We then backtracked and looped around to the top of Barrer Hill, and returned via the trail through the pine forest.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve: Johns Peak

General Information

Grading:  hard 
Distance:  14.3 kilometers 
Total climb:  708 meters 
Time taken:  3 hours 20 minutes 
Map:  Tidbinbilla 8627-2S, 1:25 000 
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:  52 kilometers 
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 71471 74628 
Destination map grid reference:  55H FA 71378 77330 
End point:  same as start

Previous Similar Walks

6 June 2019, 21 June 2019, 16 July 2020




Another hike to Johns Peak from the Mountain Creek Carpark, following the official track. I had originally planned to continue on to Tidbinbilla Peak, but the weather conditions at the top of the range were awful: cold temperature, strong winds and heavy clouds.

Refer to previous walks for more details.


Tuesday 28 May 2024

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout - New Loop Route

General Information

Grading:  easy
Distance:   7 kilometers
Total climb:   150 meters
Time taken:   1 hour 15 minutes
Maps:   Umburra 8627-1S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   17 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 81450 99525
Destination map grid reference:   55H FA 79896 98445
End point:  Same as start

Previous Similar Walks

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: 23 November 2021, 22 May 2024



This walk combines the old Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout track and a new section of track roughly east of the original track. The walk starts at the Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout trackhead which is accessed from The Link on McClymont Way Strathnairn.

At the beginning of the actual walking track I took the right hand fork which also leads to the Woodland/Nguurung Bila Loop. Where the track comes to an intersection with a small bridge on the right I went straight ahead (not over the bridge!), following the orange arrows. This led me to the Burin Lookout with its views towards the mountains.

Coming soon after to an intersection I turned right and followed an old vehicular trail for a while before a new section of walking track to the left. This led me through a more forested area of the walk with some deep, steep sided gullies.

Eventually the trail came to the old Walaroo Spur lookout, and from there to the original track. I continued on to Shepherds Lookout with its wonderful view up the Murrumbidgee (I particularly liked the sun glistening off the water).

I walked back via the original track.

Monday 27 May 2024

Canberra Nature Park: Coombs to Scrivener Dam and Return

General Information

Grading:  very easy
Distance:   7.2 kilometers
Total climb:   88 meters
Time taken:   1 hour 30 minutes
Maps:   Canberra 8727-3N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   12.7 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 86356 89591
Destination map grid reference: 
End point:  same as start





We started this walk at the intersection of Harold White Avenue and Pearlman Street in the suburb of Coombs. From there we walked down to the Molonglo River and crossed to the other side, following the river under Tuggeranong Parkway until we reached another river crossing at map reference 55H FA 88106 90660. This was a good place for a photograph of the river with the last vestiges of the morning's fog.

On the other side of the river we continued on to Scrivener Damand crossed it. We then followed the fenceline of The National Zoo and Aquarium, which gave us some views seldom seen on local bushwalks.

We continued back along the river, returning to our starting point.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: Woodland and Nguurung Bila Loop Tracks

General Information

Grading:  easy
Distance:   7.3 kilometers
Total climb:   213 meters
Time taken:   2 hours
Maps:   Umburra 8627-1S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   17 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 81450 99525
Destination map grid reference:   none
End point:  Same as start

Previous Similar Walks

Ginninderry Conservation Corridor: 23 November 2021




These new walking tracks were officially opened on 21 May 2024. I was lucky enough to attend the opening ceremony, although I did not get to walk the full length of the track after the opening at the Woodland Lookout since we were all driven there. I returned the very next day, however, to do the complete loop.

The walk starts at the Strathnairn to Shepherds Lookout trackhead which is accessed from The Link on McClymont Way Strathnairn. The walk is well-signposted and it is a matter of following the colour-coded arrows on the signposts. We followed the Woodland Track (pink arrows) first, primarily because I was aware of a rather steep section just after the Woodland Lookout which I would rather walk down than climb up.

We first made our way to Woodland Lookout, the highest point of the track, which gives great views towards the Murrumbidgee and the mountains.

From there we walked down the steep section of track mentioned above and then started following the Nguurung Bila Track (marked with light blue arrows). After a while we came to a very nice section of creek.

At the northernmost part of the track (and having reached the end of the Nguurung Bila Track and back on the Woodland Track) we came to the two new swing bridges, which are a bit of a feature of the walk, being the only examples in the ACT.

Crossing the bridges we continued back south along the Woodland Track (pink arrows)before turning off onto the Nguurung Bila Track (light blue arrows) once again just before the Nguurung Lookout.* We then completed the loop back to our starting point.

* If all this pink track/blue track stuff is too confusing I suggest using the Ginninderry Conservation Trust map which can be accessed through the hyperlink above, or paper copies were available at The Link.