General Information
Distance: 9.3 kilometers
Total climb: 275 meters
Time taken: 3 hours 15 minutes
Map: Umburra 8727-1S 1:25 000
Guide: Marion Stuart, Best Bush, Town and Village Walks in and around the ACT (2012),
pp.80-83 & 76-79.
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 19 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 809211 97979
Destination map grid reference: Shepherds Lookout - 55H FA 79899 98441
Molonglo River plank bridge - 55H FA 78470 98044
Uriarra Crossing - 55H FA 77646 98169
End Point: Same as start
Previous Similar Walks
Uriarra Crossing: 11 October 2014
Previous Similar Walks
Uriarra Crossing: 11 October 2014
I had previously done this walk on 11 October 2014, but it was worth repeating. The walk starts at a carpark on the northern side of Stockpile Drive, about 3 kilometres past the entrance to the golf club. There is a well-marked trail here to Shepherd's Lookout, which provides elevated views of a bend in the Murrumbidgee River.
From there the trail continues past the sewage treatment works - not pretty, but at least it doesn't smell! - with continuing views of the river below.
About 2.7 kilometers into the walk, the trail meets the Molonglo River just a bit upstream from where it flows into the Murrumbidgee. A plank footbridge allows hikers to cross the river to the Uriarra Loop.
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