General Information
Distance: 3 kilometers
Total climb: n/a
Time taken: 35 minutes
Maps: Hoskinstown 8727-2S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 40 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H GA 05482 69442
Destination map grid reference: 55H GA 06564 68140
End point: Same as start
Distance: 3 kilometers
This was a spur-of-the-moment kayaking trip which, all things considered, wasn't worth the drive.
Parking at the Tin Hut carpark, I wheeled my kayak about 600 meters down a rough track to the nearest launching place at the end of Tin Hut Inlet. Already it was clear to me that the water level was down significantly from my last trip there in November 2016. Placing my kayak in the water I sunk up to my knees in sticky mud, which made getting into the kayak more difficult than usual, not to mention the cleanup when I got home. Heading south on the Queanbeyan River I came quickly to the junction of Burra Creek. The two pictures below show the difference in Burra Creek levels between late 2016 and today.
The water is considerably murkier too, to the extent that I couldn't even see the mud bar that stopped my progress upstream just short of Washpen Crossing until I was right on top of it. Being thwarted going upstream, I headed back the way I had come and continued further down the Queanbeyan River until a nasty headwind came up and made me decide not to bother going further. I paused for a picture to provide some indication of how far the river was down from its maximum level.
I headed back to Tin Hut Inlet, paddling the last few meters as furiously as I could to glide successfully up the bank out of the mud.
I think I'll stay away from Googong until water levels are replenished.
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