Friday 22 March 2019

Namadgi National Park: Ginini Creek Waterfalls North of Ginini Flats

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:   3.3 kilometers
Total climb:   128 meters
Time taken:   1 hour 45 minutes
Maps:   Corin Dam 8626-1N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   75 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  Corin Dam 55H FA 61314 67102
Destination map grid reference:   Corin Dam 55H FA 61503 69130
End point:  Same as start



This walk began at the locked gate on Mt Franklin Road at the base of Mt Ginini. We headed through the bush immediately to the north of the carpark, passing through gum trees and moderately dense waist-high scrub until we could see Ginini Flats below us.

Continuing on we came to the edge of the Ginini Flats swamp, which was a bit of a mistake as the scrub became considerably denser near the swamp, and the swamp itself naturally posed its own walking problems. Still, it was very nice to look at close up.

We headed back into the bush, climbing up to where the scrub was less dense. Eventually we saw the steep gully that Ginini Creek passes through, giving a nice view through the gap back towards Mt Franklin and Canberra in the far distance.

Descending steadily (and in places steeply) we made our way down to the top of the series of waterfalls on Ginini Creek.

While it would have been relatively easy to keep going down to where the more substantial falls are (these are visible from the Mt Franklin Summit), we noticed at this stage that some dark clouds were heading our way and there was a sound of distant thunder. Reluctantly we decided to head back in the interests of comfort and safety. We headed back along the ridge to the west of Ginini Flats, which was pretty easy bush to get through and is probably the best route down to the falls and back. We made it back to the car with minutes to spare before heavy rain set in.

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