General Information
Grading: easyDistance: 7 kilometers
Total climb: 290 meters
Time taken: 2 hours
Maps: Tuggeranong 8727-3S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 22 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 93399 80372
Destination map grid reference: Mt Wanniassa 55H FA 92096 81476
Macarthur Hill 55H FA 92852 79816
End point: Same as start
Macarthur Hill 55H FA 92852 79816
This walk started at the northernmost point of Jackie Howe Crescent in Macarthur. We followed the vehicular trail north and then west to the water tank at map reference 55H FA 93207 80663, at which point we followed a walking track up to the top of the ridge. We continued along the vehicular trail along the top of the Wanniassa Ridge until we came to Mt Wanniassa itself. At an elevation of 890 metres, this gave us some good urban and rural views in most directions.
We backtracked along the ridge and this time followed the vehicular trail dow the ridge towards Macarthur Hill, which we eventually came to.
We walked down the hill and along Jackie Howe Crescent back to the car.