Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Canberra Nature Park: Wanniassa Ridge and Macarthur Hill

General Information

Grading:  easy
Distance:   7 kilometers
Total climb:   290 meters
Time taken:   2 hours
Maps:   Tuggeranong 8727-3S 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   22 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 93399 80372
Destination map grid reference:   Mt Wanniassa 55H FA 92096 81476
                                                     Macarthur Hill 55H FA 92852 79816
End point:  Same as start




This walk started at the northernmost point of Jackie Howe Crescent in Macarthur. We followed the vehicular trail north and then west to the water tank at map reference 55H FA 93207 80663, at which point we followed a walking track up to the top of the ridge. We continued along the vehicular trail along the top of the Wanniassa Ridge until we came to Mt Wanniassa itself. At an elevation of 890 metres, this gave us some good urban and rural views in most directions.

We backtracked along the ridge and this time followed the vehicular trail dow the ridge towards Macarthur Hill, which we eventually came to.

We walked down the hill and along Jackie Howe Crescent back to the car.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Tallaganda State Forest: Serenity Rocks and Mt Lowden

General Information

Grading: hard
Distance:   14 kilometers
Total climb:   750 meters
Time taken:   4 hours 45 minutes
Maps:   Bombay 8827-3S 1:25 000; Bendoura 8826-4N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   58 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H GA 31672 67521
Destination map grid reference:   Serenity Rocks 55H GA 32965 69372
                                                     Mt Lowden Communications Tower 55H GA 33596 68115
End point:  Same as start




This walk Started at the intersection of the Bald Hill and Lowden Trig Fire Trails, about 2.7 kilometers up the Lowden Hill Fire Trail from Lowden Road. We walked along Lowden Road looking for a foot track off to the left which we found at map reference 55H GA 32368 67765.

We followed this track through some very pretty forest down into gullies formed by tributaries of Mulloon Creek. The tributaries, which we had to cross several times, were lined with beautiful tree ferns.

The track finally started taking us back uphill and we continued right up to the side track of the Bald Hill Fire Trail at map reference 55H GA 31916 68585 before we decided that we were no longer going in the right direction. Backtracking down to the creek, we found a side trail heading north (map reference 55H GA 32037 68584) which we had failed to see on the way up because it was obscured by a fallen tree. This track, which seems to have mainly been used by trail bikes, took us all the way round to the informally named Serenity Rocks (map reference 55H GA 32965 69372). The rocks are about 100 meters off the track and look like this:

The rocks give an excellent platform for views north to Mt Palerang.

Going back to the walking/trail biking track, we started to head towards Mt Lowden. Pretty soon, however, we decided that the track was not taking us in the right direction, so we had to go bush and follow a bearing towards the Mt Lowden communications tower. While this was only a bit over a kilometre away, the dense scrub and occasional lawyer vines made it hard going. After about an hour-an-a-half of this slogging we finally made it back to the Lowden Hill Fire Trail, where at about 1300 meters there was still some of last week's snow in sheltered areas. From here it was only a short walk to the communications tower.

We continued past the communications tower thinking to reach the top of Mt Lowden about 600 metres distant. Again encountering thick scrub on the top of the ridge, however, we decided that it would take too much time and returned to the car via the Lowden Hill Fire Trail.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Canberra Nature Park: National Arboretum and Barrer Hill

General Information

Grading:  easy
Distance:   14.7 kilometers
Total climb:   341 meters
Time taken:   3 hours 55 minutes
Maps:   Canberra 8627-3N 1:25 000
Guide:  Link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   6 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  55H FA 89657 94097
Destination map grid reference:  55H FA 86272 90941
End point:  same as start




This walk started from the Aranda Snow Gums carpark just off William Hovell Drive at Glenloch Interchange. We followed the cycle path and passed under William Hovell Drive into the cork oak plantation in the National Arboretum.

Making our way through the cork oaks and the Himalayan cedar forest...

...we made our way to Boundary Road which we followed west and then south until we came to the southern edge of the Arboretum near Tuggeranong Parkway. We continued south until we came to Barrer Hill, which will probably look a lot nicer when the revegetation takes hold.

We followed the trail to the left up to the summit of the hill, which has good 360 degree views.

Heading back into the Arboretum we followed River Road paralleling Tuggeranong Parkway for a while before heading off through the tree plantations towards the Village Centre cafe and a well-earned lunch. We then headed back to the carpark.