General Information
Distance: 17.4 kilometers
Total climb: 482 meters
Time taken: 3 hours 56 minutes
Maps: Yaouk 8626-2N 1:25 000; Rendezvous Creek 8626-1S 1:25 000
Guide: n/a
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 67 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 78464 41158
Destination map grid reference: 55H FA 76643 41956 (Yankee Hat Rock Art)
End point: same as start
Distance: 17.4 kilometers
This walk started at the Yankee Hat Carpark at the locked gate on Old Boboyan Road. I started walking at 9:10am with a freezing southerly wind making me smug that I had brought along my woollen beanie and gloves. I followed the Yankee Hat Walking Trail to its end at the Yankee Hat rock art site.
After a warming cup of coffee I headed north to link up with the Middle Creek Link fire trail. For some reason most of the fire trails in this area are not marked on the printed maps, but can be found on the SIX Maps versions ( This trail led me to Middle Creek where I was lucky enough to find a pig trail leading to a place where I could cross the Creek with a bit of a leap. On the northern side of Middle Creek I kept to grassy terrain skirting the tree line with good views back to Yankee Hat.
Passing over the ridge I found protection from the freezing southerly wind, although I started to find patches of snow in shady areas. Elevated views of the Rendezvous Creek valley started to open up.
Continuing to follow the tree line I started to head northwest towards the Rendezvous Creek rock art site. About 400 meters from the site I started ploughing through the trees and scrub to reach my destination by about 11:30am.
Pausing again for another cup of coffee, I headed back down the hill to link up with the Rendezvous Creek Trail which I followed down to the Rendezvous Link Trail. At the crest of the Rendezvous Link Trail I paused for lunch in a picturesque spot which was unfortunately also exposed to that wicked southerly.
I crossed back over Middle Creek via the ford on the Rendezvous Link Trail and cut across to the Yankee Hat trail near the bridge over Bogong Creek. From there it was a short walk back to the car.
This walk started at the Yankee Hat Carpark at the locked gate on Old Boboyan Road. I started walking at 9:10am with a freezing southerly wind making me smug that I had brought along my woollen beanie and gloves. I followed the Yankee Hat Walking Trail to its end at the Yankee Hat rock art site.
Passing over the ridge I found protection from the freezing southerly wind, although I started to find patches of snow in shady areas. Elevated views of the Rendezvous Creek valley started to open up.
Continuing to follow the tree line I started to head northwest towards the Rendezvous Creek rock art site. About 400 meters from the site I started ploughing through the trees and scrub to reach my destination by about 11:30am.
Pausing again for another cup of coffee, I headed back down the hill to link up with the Rendezvous Creek Trail which I followed down to the Rendezvous Link Trail. At the crest of the Rendezvous Link Trail I paused for lunch in a picturesque spot which was unfortunately also exposed to that wicked southerly.
I crossed back over Middle Creek via the ford on the Rendezvous Link Trail and cut across to the Yankee Hat trail near the bridge over Bogong Creek. From there it was a short walk back to the car.
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