General Information
Grading: easyDistance: 11.6 kilometers
Total climb: 65 meters
Time taken: 3 hours 20 minutes
Maps: Canberra 8627-3N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 9.1 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: Street address
Destination map grid reference: None
End point: same as start
This walk started at the Capital Brewing Co. in Dairy Flat Road, for reasons that will become obvious later. We started by walking north along Dairy Flat Road and then into the Jerrabombera Wetlands.
We came out of the Wetlands at Eyre Street, which we followed to the Kingston Foreshore and then walked beside Lake Burley Griffin to Kings Avenue Bridge. We crossed over the bridge, and after taking a brief look at the Carillon, we walked east along the side of the lake back to Dairy Flat Road. We followed Dairy Flat Road back towards our starting point, taking a small detour on the right to have a look at the Trench Trail (link). Back at our starting point we had a quick beer and burger lunch at Capital Brewing.