Thursday, 21 September 2017

Morton National Park: Budawang Wilderness Area, Corang Peak & Corang Arch

General Information

Distance:  25 kilometers
Total climb:  698 meters
Time taken:  6 hours 50 minutes
Map:  Corang 8927-3N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:  126 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  56H KF 30328 93194
Destination map grid reference:  Corang Peak - 56H KF 36521 91419
                                                    Corang Arch - 56H KF 37215 92298
End point:  same as start



This walk begins at the Wog Wog Campground and follows the Scenic Rim Walking Track. The track first descends first to Wog Wog Creek, a few hundred meters from the Campground. This was the only water source we found along our route, so walkers would be advised to bring plenty of water with them unless continuing on to Canowrie Brook. The track then climbs away from the creek and through forest in a broad semi-circle to the north east before heading south. At around the 4 kilometer mark (map reference 56H KF 32995 93126) the track divides, with one fork heading east towards Goodsell Creek and the other south towards the Corang Plateau. We continued towards the plateau (about one kilometer further on) where some views opened up to the south and southwest.

Once on the plateau the track becomes quite hard and rocky and the vegetation more scrubby. Corang peak can be seen in the distance.

About 8.5 kilometers into the walk (map reference 56H KF 34852 90728) there is a faint track to the right - the Wog Wog Trail which goes down to the Yadboro River via Snedden Pass - which we passed, continuing along the trail to the north of Korra Hill. After passing Korra Hill some views opened up towards Pigeon House and the ocean.

A few hundred meters later (map reference 56H KF 36387 90906) the track divides with the left-hand fork heading straight up to Corang Peak and the right-hand track passing it to the east. We went up the left fork and made the steeply stepped climb up to the Peak where there were extensive and spectacular views in all directions. Corang Arch could also be seen nearby to the north.

We descended via the northern side of Corang Peak (where the two branches of the track come together again) and continued to the edge of the plateau where we could see the Canowrie Creek valley and Profile Rock.

From here we backtracked for a short distance to see Corang Arch up close.

Following the track below Corang Peak we started our return trip.