General Information
Distance: 17.5 kilometers
Total climb: approximately 700 meters
Time taken: 4 hours
Maps: Williamsdale 8726-4N; Corin Dam 8626-1N
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 48 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 83475 60752
End point: same as start
Unlike my previous walks to the summit of Mt Tennent, this hike started at a point on the Apollo Road a few hundred meters past the Mt Tennent Firetrail, where there is a reasonably wide carpark on the side of the road. From here we walked to the Mt Tennent Firetrail and through the locked gate down to a ford on Honeysuckle Creek. From there the trail heads steadily upwards, eventually recahing the intersection with the Bushfold Flats Firetrail at map reference 55H FA 83667 62737. We continued along the Mt Tennent Firetrail to the summit.
Descending from the summit to map reference 55H FA 84747 64704 we turned left on to the Australian Alps Walking Track and followed it down to the Bushfold Flats Firetrail. We then returned to the car following the Bushfold Flats Firetrail, the Mt Tennent Firetrail and Apollo Road.
Descending from the summit to map reference 55H FA 84747 64704 we turned left on to the Australian Alps Walking Track and followed it down to the Bushfold Flats Firetrail. We then returned to the car following the Bushfold Flats Firetrail, the Mt Tennent Firetrail and Apollo Road.