General Information
Distance: 4.9 kilometers
Total climb: n/a
Time taken: 1 hour
Map: Hoskinstown 8727-2S, 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 40 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H GA 05482 69442
Destination map grid reference: 55H GA 05175 67464
End point: same as start
While walking in Bungonia Gorge a few days ago I met another hiker from Canberra who mentioned that the water levels in Googong Dam were so high that it was possible to kayak from Tin Hut Inlet down Burra Creek almost to London Bridge Arch. Having hiked in that area almost two years ago I was keen to have a look.
Having parked my car at Tin Hut carpark, I first needed to get my kayak down to the water's edge about 300 meters away down a rough track [note that soon after the carpark the track divides, with the more travelled alternative heading north along the western foreshore - this is not the right track, so keep heading east down the less clear track.]. getting down to the water wasn't too difficult with the help of a kayak trolley, and at the end of the track there is a suitable place for launching. Once in the water, I headed south along the western edge until I entered Burra Creek, which was quite wide initially and there are some very scenic spots.
As I progressed, the creek became narrower and some parts very shallow. I was usually able to find a deeper channel to get through, but in any case I was able to glide over a number of shallow sections without scraping the bottom. There were some submerged rocks at one point that I had to negotiate, and some more obvious rocks further on, but these were not difficult to get around. By the time I could see London Bridge Arch, however, the creek was quite narrow and very shallow.
Only about 40 meters from the Arch the rocks stopped me from kayaking any further, so I pulled up the kayak at this point and went on to the Arch on foot.
I went back to Tin Hut Inlet the same way.
This was a great short paddle with a rewarding journey and interesting destination. It's a shame that once the water goes down again it will not be possible to kayak this near to the Arch, but it may be possible from time to time if you watch the Googong Dam water levels. I suppose it is possible for intrepid kayakers to travel the 22 kilometers from Drumstick Point on the northern end of Googong to London Bridge Arch and return. My arms and shoulders couldn't take it, I'm sure.
This was a great short paddle with a rewarding journey and interesting destination. It's a shame that once the water goes down again it will not be possible to kayak this near to the Arch, but it may be possible from time to time if you watch the Googong Dam water levels. I suppose it is possible for intrepid kayakers to travel the 22 kilometers from Drumstick Point on the northern end of Googong to London Bridge Arch and return. My arms and shoulders couldn't take it, I'm sure.