General Information
Distance: 5.3 kilometers return
Total climb: 485 meters
Time taken: 2 hours 30 minutes
Map: Milton 8927-2N 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 202 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 56H KF 50666 82793
Destination map grid reference: 56H KF 51467 84801
End point: same as start
Pigeon House Mountain is a distinctively-shaped peak visible from many parts of the South Coast around Ulladulla.
The starting point for the hike was the picnic area at the end of Pigeon House Road. To get there from Ulladulla we drove south on the Princes Highway to Wheelbarrow Road where we turned right. We followed Wheelbarrow road to Woodburn Road, where we turned left and continued to Clyde Ridge Road where we turned right. Clyde Ridge Road eventually meets Yadboro Road where we turned right. About 4.3 kilometers along Yadboro Road is Pigeon House Road. The Pigeon House walking track is very clear and well maintained, and on the day that we did the walk there were a large number of walkers along it, including young children. The first kilometer of the track is very steep though. Once this first climb has been made, however, there is a peak on the ridge at 454 meters elevation which gives the first good views of the surrounding area.
Continuing on from there we continued to climb more gradually up the track following the ridge. At about 2 kilometers into the walk the steep climb up the southeast ridge of Pigeon House commences, and after about 500 meters the track comes to the cliffs that surround the summit. Ladders provide a safe and simple way of getting to the summit, though there are also some narrow sections of track.
Finally we came to the safety-fenced lookout at the summit where the views over the coast and the Budawang Wilderness are exceptional.
After taking some time with the views we headed back to the picnic area the way we had come. This is a great short walk on a very good track.
The starting point for the hike was the picnic area at the end of Pigeon House Road. To get there from Ulladulla we drove south on the Princes Highway to Wheelbarrow Road where we turned right. We followed Wheelbarrow road to Woodburn Road, where we turned left and continued to Clyde Ridge Road where we turned right. Clyde Ridge Road eventually meets Yadboro Road where we turned right. About 4.3 kilometers along Yadboro Road is Pigeon House Road. The Pigeon House walking track is very clear and well maintained, and on the day that we did the walk there were a large number of walkers along it, including young children. The first kilometer of the track is very steep though. Once this first climb has been made, however, there is a peak on the ridge at 454 meters elevation which gives the first good views of the surrounding area.
Continuing on from there we continued to climb more gradually up the track following the ridge. At about 2 kilometers into the walk the steep climb up the southeast ridge of Pigeon House commences, and after about 500 meters the track comes to the cliffs that surround the summit. Ladders provide a safe and simple way of getting to the summit, though there are also some narrow sections of track.
Finally we came to the safety-fenced lookout at the summit where the views over the coast and the Budawang Wilderness are exceptional.
After taking some time with the views we headed back to the picnic area the way we had come. This is a great short walk on a very good track.