Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Cuumbeun Nature Reserve: Faunce Hill

General Information

Grading:  medium
Distance:   12.5 kilometers
Total climb:   503 meters
Time taken:   3 hours 45 minutes
Maps:   Bungendore 8726-2N 1:25 000; Hoskinstown 8727-2S  1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO:   20 kilometers
Start point map grid reference:  Bungendore 55H GA 06436 85040
Destination map grid reference:   Hoskinstown 55H GA 06027 81781
End point:  Same as start




This walk began at the Link Road entrance to Cuumbeun Nature Reserve, just off the Captains Flat Road. 

Walking along the Link Trail for a short distance we turned off onto the Swamp Trail and followed it south to the Queanbeyan River Trail, which we in turn followed until we met another unnamed trail heading north towards Faunce Hill. The views from the Hill were restricted by surrounding trees.

The views opened up a bit, however, as we headed back north from Faunce Hill.

The track north was pretty rough, with one particularly steep and treacherous section just before we left it.

Leaving the track at map reference 55H GA 05398 83520 we followed a walking track which took us through light bush and past a rather nice gully where we stopped for lunch.

We continued along the walking trail until it ended at the Ellerton Drive Extension roadworks. We then started climbing to the water tanks at 55H GA 05096 84488 and then up the nearby peak (55H GA 05472 84207) where we found another walking trail heading back east towards our car via the Queanbeyan River Trail and the Link Trail.

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