General Information
Distance: 11.2 kilometers
Total climb: 305 meters
Time taken: 3 hours 37 minutes
Map: Corin Dam 8626-1N 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 52 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 73134 67548
Destination map grid reference: 55H FA 71122 65800
End Point: same as start
This is the most recent time I have undertaken this walk. Previous walks were on 5 July 2015 and 13 May 2014.
The Square Rock walking track begins at the Square Rock carpark on Corin Road, about 1 kilometer past the Corin Forest recreation area. The start of the track is well marked and at first parallels the Corin Road for about 1 kilometer through fairly open forest. The climb up to Square Rock starts then, and by about the 3.5 kilometer mark about 200 meters in elevation has been gained. Just short of the 4 kilometer mark there is a side track off to the left that leads to a point near the 1444 meter peak at map reference FA713650 (this track is marked accurately on the map). It is well worth taking this side track, as it leads to a lookout with very good views down towards the Orroral Valley.
Returning to the main track, it is only about one kilometer to Square Rock, which is easily climbed via a short ladder.
From Square Rock there are good views to the west, north and east.
Return to the carpark is by the same track. This is a nice and easy walk of a moderate distance with some good views along the way. It is easily accessible on sealed roads.
Returning to the main track, it is only about one kilometer to Square Rock, which is easily climbed via a short ladder.
From Square Rock there are good views to the west, north and east.
Return to the carpark is by the same track. This is a nice and easy walk of a moderate distance with some good views along the way. It is easily accessible on sealed roads.
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