General Information
Distance: 11.4 kilometers
Total climb: 484 meters
Time taken: 3 hours
Map: Monga 8826-1N 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 110 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H GA 64832 60829
Destination: None - hike was exploratory
End point: same as start
The Corn Trail is well marked at Dasyurus, but it is first necessary to cross the Mongarlowe River so waterproof boots are advised.
Just over the river we noticed a grassy area which had obviously been used as a camping area - perhaps useful for a later walk along the full length of the trail. The walking trail itself is well defined, passing first through forest and ferny undergrowth in an easterly direction.
Passing north of Murrenburg Mountain the trail then heads south, joining the map-marked trail around grid reference GA670604. There are occasional views through the forest as you walk along the ridge.
About 5.5 kilometers into the walk, the trail starts its 600 meter descent to its end at No Name Mountain Road. We descended about 100 meters of this before deciding to head back.
This is an excellent walk through a very nice area with an interesting history. After finishing the walk we decided to do its full length north to south a few months later, but we were rained out before we could start the actual walking. It's still on the list, but difficult to organise due to the car placement logistics.
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