General Information
Distance: 10.6 kilometers
Total climb: 478 meters
Time taken: 4 hours 40 minutes
Maps: Captains Flat 8726-1N 1:25 000
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 50 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H GA 13034 63448
Destination map grid reference: Corner Hill 55H GA 12316 63828
Queanbeyan River 55H GA 12436 62396
Spring Creek Gorge 55H GA 12805 60486
End point: same as start
Distance: 10.6 kilometers
Queanbeyan River 55H GA 12436 62396
Spring Creek Gorge 55H GA 12805 60486
This walk commenced at the day use area carpark off Woolcara Lane about 14 kilometers south of Captains Flat Road. We started off by heading west towards some very thick scrub which we were obliged to go around to the left. Having cleared the scrub we veered northwest and started our climb up a ridge to the summit of Corner Hill.
Near the summit a quite indistinct track (Corner Hill Fire Trail) can be found leading down the hill to the south.
We followed this for about 800 meters before heading bush again towards a series of pools along the Queanbeyan River. Unfortunately the place where we approached the river was particularly steep, and although we were able to scramble down we could have made it easier on ourselves if we had gone down a much gentler ridge slightly to the east.
Where we met the river, however, was a particularly picturesque spot that we would probably not otherwise have seen.
We tried to follow the river upstream, but finding too many obstacles in our way we decided to gradually climb above the river, at first in an easterly direction and then south. This was not an easy part of the walk either, with prickly scrub to avoid and numerous deep gullies to climb down and then back out of. Eventually we found the spot where Spring Creek meets the Queanbeyan River.
The Spring Creek gorge is just 100 meters or so above the river.
We climbed out of Spring Creek to the south and immediately veered east before heading north towards the ridge that parallels Woolcara Lane. We followed the ridge north and then linked up with Woolcara Lane, which we followed for the last 2 kilometers to the carpark.