General Information
Distance: 13.7 kilometers
Total climb: 536 meters
Time taken: 6 hours 50 minutes
Map: Corin Dam 8626-1N 1:25 000
Guide: n/a
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 52 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 73676 67772
Destination map grid reference: 55H FA 78527 64994 (not reached)
End point: same as start
Distance: 13.7 kilometers
We started this walk at the Square Rock Carpark just off Corin Road. We walked up Smokers Trail South to Smokers Trail which we followed until it turned west at map reference 55H FA 75124 65892. At this point we headed bush.
Initially walking up towards the hill at map reference 55H FA 75153 64874 we then started down the steep slope through thick scrub to Blue Gum Creek.
This provided some clear terrain to move through for a while, though the tussocky grass, well dug up by wild pigs, presented its own challenges. We then headed for the hill marked 1412 meters on the map (reference 55H FA 77362 64572), again crashing through dense scrub and occasionally having to dodge large rock formations and fallen trees. Towards the top we found the large rock shelf shown as a clear area on the map. This was pretty easy to traverse, and we decided to have lunch there with a clear view back to the west.
Still 1.5 kilometers short of Blue Gum Hill, we decided we'd had enough and decided to make our way back. We headed straight down the hill through some very dense scrub and back to Blue Gum Creek, where we had an excellent view back towards the hill we had just descended.
We then set a course to bisect the two peaks at 55H FA 75542 65913 and 55H FA 75734 66588 respectively. This part of the walk wasn't too difficult as we were approaching the climb laterally rather than going straight up. We also found some pig trails which we could follow, and there were other occasional clear patches which made moving easier. Eventually reaching the crest we found our way back to Smokers Trail and returned to the car.
We started this walk at the Square Rock Carpark just off Corin Road. We walked up Smokers Trail South to Smokers Trail which we followed until it turned west at map reference 55H FA 75124 65892. At this point we headed bush.
Initially walking up towards the hill at map reference 55H FA 75153 64874 we then started down the steep slope through thick scrub to Blue Gum Creek.
This provided some clear terrain to move through for a while, though the tussocky grass, well dug up by wild pigs, presented its own challenges. We then headed for the hill marked 1412 meters on the map (reference 55H FA 77362 64572), again crashing through dense scrub and occasionally having to dodge large rock formations and fallen trees. Towards the top we found the large rock shelf shown as a clear area on the map. This was pretty easy to traverse, and we decided to have lunch there with a clear view back to the west.
Still 1.5 kilometers short of Blue Gum Hill, we decided we'd had enough and decided to make our way back. We headed straight down the hill through some very dense scrub and back to Blue Gum Creek, where we had an excellent view back towards the hill we had just descended.
We then set a course to bisect the two peaks at 55H FA 75542 65913 and 55H FA 75734 66588 respectively. This part of the walk wasn't too difficult as we were approaching the climb laterally rather than going straight up. We also found some pig trails which we could follow, and there were other occasional clear patches which made moving easier. Eventually reaching the crest we found our way back to Smokers Trail and returned to the car.