General Information
Distance: 4 kilometers
Total climb: approximately 150 meters
Time taken: 1.5 hours
Map: Huonbrook 9540-1N 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 1,120 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 56J NP 38937 34069
Destination map grid reference: 56J NP 38182 34813
End Point: same as start
The hike commenced at Minyon Grass picnic area, which is about 3.25 kilometers along Minyon Falls Road from Repentance Creek Road. There is a lookout there with a view of the distant falls.
I followed the Minyon Falls walking track down into the valley. At first the track was dry and airy, but as it descended into the valley it became darker and wetter.
I followed the Minyon Falls walking track down into the valley. At first the track was dry and airy, but as it descended into the valley it became darker and wetter.
After descending for 1.4 kilometers, the track starts to run parallel to Repentance Creek.
Not far from the end of the track it is necessary to scramble over some large boulders to get through to the base of the falls. The otherwise perfect scene under the falls is a little bit marred by some graffiti on the rock face. A real shame.
In any case, the falls are spectacular, the noise is oddly soothing and the rock formations are cathedral-like.
Normally I would have continued the hike on the other side of the creek and around the escarpment to the top of the falls, but the upper part of Minyon Falls was closed due to roadworks on Minyon Falls Road past Minyon Grass. This left me no alternative than to retrace my steps back to Minyon Grass.
This was a very satisfying short walk, although I must admit that the drive from Ocean Shores to Minyon Grass took me only slightly less time than the walk. The trail, though busy with other walkers even on a weekday, was very well maintained and easy to negotiate (except for the boulders at the end, which may be too challenging for some).