General Information
Distance: 2.9 kilometers
Total climb: 158 meters
Time taken: 1 hour
Map: Tidbinbilla 8627-2S 1:25 000
Guide: link
Start point distance by road from Canberra GPO: 49 kilometers
Start point map grid reference: 55H FA 71466 74628
Destination: Loop walk
End Point: Same as start
The starting point for the Lyrebird Trail is the Mountain Creek carpark in the west of the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, at the end of Mountain Creek Road. The start of the trail is well signposted. The first part of the Lyrebird Trail passes through a wet and cool gully covered in ferns and mosses.
A moderate uphill climb eventually leads to the Cascades Trail on the right.
Continuing up the Cascades Trail you eventually come to its highest point, just over 1 kilometer into the walk, where there is a small cascade in the creek. It is best to leave the trail and get under the overhanging rock to see the cascade at its best.
From there I headed back down the Cascades Trail until it met the Lyrebird Trail near where I left it. Turning right I followed the Lyrebird trail back to the carpark. This is a very good short walk if you only have limited time at Tidbinbilla
A moderate uphill climb eventually leads to the Cascades Trail on the right.
Continuing up the Cascades Trail you eventually come to its highest point, just over 1 kilometer into the walk, where there is a small cascade in the creek. It is best to leave the trail and get under the overhanging rock to see the cascade at its best.
From there I headed back down the Cascades Trail until it met the Lyrebird Trail near where I left it. Turning right I followed the Lyrebird trail back to the carpark. This is a very good short walk if you only have limited time at Tidbinbilla